When shoppers enjoy their surroundings, they are more likely to stay longer, which leads to an increase in purchases. A lively street with trees, park benches, gardens, sidewalk cafes, buskers, and street vendors are appealing to many people. Outdoor spaces with trees especially, provide shade, ambiance, and fresher air. Studies show that people prefer natural environments to constructed urban spaces. Scientists have linked shopping behaviour to people’s perception of the colours, lights, sounds, and product placements; if they find these elements pleasing, they are more likely to stay longer and spend more money.

A study in the United Kingdom revealed that customers stay longer and are willing to pay 9 to 12% more in shopping areas with mature trees. Shops in retail spaces that were designed with a focus on quality green areas saw their businesses improve up to 40%. Commercial space in an area with mature, quality landscapes can rent for 7% more than areas without.

Nature-based solutions (NBS) such as rain gardens, urban forests, vegetated swales, riparian buffers boulevard trees, and ponds provide numerous benefits to shoppers, businesses, and the environment.

Green shopping area in Colorado

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